Black Rice As Potential Superfood-A Review

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Mrs. Preeti Dhankhar
Dr. Parvinder Kaur


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the major cereal crop in most of the developing countries. Black rice is a type of pigmented rice with black bran covering the endosperm of the rice kernel. Black rice ‘Chakhao’ is an aromatic and pigmented rice variety popular in Asia. Black rice, also known as forbidden rice or purple rice, is a type of rice that has a striking dark color and a rich history. Black rice (Zizania aquatica) is a rice variety formed by the mutation of Kala4 gene. In the world it is mainly cultivated in Southeast Asian countries like China, Thailand and India. China accounts for 62% of black rice production in the world followed by Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia and Philippines. In India black rice is grown in North-eastern states like Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam and some parts of Odisha. Black rice is black in color due to the presence of the anthocyanin pigment on the outer layers (bran) of the rice kernel. Black rice is rich in tocopherols (vitamin E), iron and antioxidants. Black rice has high levels of protein, fiber, vitamins (Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, folic acid) and minerals (iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorous and selenium) compared to that of white rice. The major essential amino acids present in black rice are lysine and tryptophan. It also possesses lot of health benefits like antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory properties, lipid oxidation, anti-diabetic, anti-ageing and anti-cancer effects. The use of black rice as an ingredient in food processing might help in creating value added products.


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How to Cite
Mrs. Preeti Dhankhar, & Dr. Parvinder Kaur. (2023). Black Rice As Potential Superfood-A Review. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(8s), 900–903.
Author Biographies

Mrs. Preeti Dhankhar

Research scholar, BPSIHL, BPSMV

Dr. Parvinder Kaur

Associate Professor, BPSIHL, BPSMV   


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