On The Issue Of Basic Literacy Of Medical Students And Pediatricians On Vaccination Against HPV
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Relevance of the study: HPV causes about 99% of cervical cancers, 65-70% of vulvar and vaginal cancers, as well as 70% of oral and laryngeal cancers, 90% of rectal cancers in men and women.
The economic burden of diseases associated with the HPV in the RF, is estimated at 63,638 billion rubles. With coverage of 70%, vaccination will reduce the costs by 41.792 billion rubles [1].
The statistics on vaccination against the HPV syndrome in countries where the vaccination is included in national immunization schedule: Australia – 77.8%, New Zealand –66%, Sweden – 80% [2]. In Russia, the HPV – the vaccination is included in the regional schedules of only in 27 regions and in total it covers only 160 thousand of adolescents, but it is only a few percent of the target group [3].