Psychological Expertise And Psychological Care For Offenders
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Human behaviour can sometimes be abnormal and deviant, leading individuals to commit acts of aggression or crime against others, property or even themselves. It is therefore important to explore the motivations behind such behaviour and to investigate how deviant behaviour can be treated using psychological approaches. This is the field of criminal psychology, which focuses on the study of the offender’s personality and the factors that drive criminal behaviour. It also involves classifying offenders on the basis of their psychological, physical or social characteristics and categorising the crimes they commit in order to understand the underlying causes and provide appropriate psychological treatment.
Psychological expertise is recognised as a critical tool used by judges during judicial investigations in certain criminal cases. It is essential for assessing the psychological state of the offender at the time of the crime, which helps to determine their criminal responsibility.
Based on this, we aim to delve into this area to discuss psychological expertise and address its key elements, in order to outline a simple understanding of its nature, techniques and more.
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