Coping Strategies For Trauma-Induced Psychological Stress Among Chronic Disease Patients At Adrar State Hospital

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Dr. Semmani Mourad


This research aims to investigate coping strategies employed by chronic disease patients at Adrar State Hospital who have experienced traumatic events. Specifically, the study examines differences in coping strategies based on gender and type of chronic disease (diabetes, hypertension, or disability resulting from a traffic accident). To achieve this objective, the researcher administered the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) to a sample of 56 chronic disease patients undergoing treatment at Adrar State Hospital. The study found the following results:

  • No statistically significant differences were found in coping strategies based on gender among chronic disease patients at Adrar State Hospital.

  • Statistically significant differences were found in coping strategies based on the type of chronic disease (diabetes, hypertension, or disability resulting from a traffic accident) among the sample.

These findings can be attributed to the implications of chronic disease and the unique psychological stressors associated with each condition.

Article Details

How to Cite
Dr. Semmani Mourad. (2024). Coping Strategies For Trauma-Induced Psychological Stress Among Chronic Disease Patients At Adrar State Hospital. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 7(6), 240–244.
Author Biography

Dr. Semmani Mourad

University of Ahmed Draia, Adrar (Algeria)


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