The Reality Of Physical Conditions And Occupational Health And Safety Programs From The Perspective Of Night Shift Workers In Hospitals: A Field Study At Ben Nasser Bashir Hospital In El Oued.
Main Article Content
The current study aims to investigate the reality of physical conditions and occupational health and safety programs from the perspective of night shift workers at a sample of health sector workers at Ben Nasser Bashir Specialized Hospital for Mother and Child in El Oued. The exploratory descriptive method was employed, with an examination of a sample consisting of 236 employees. A scale measuring physical conditions and occupational health and safety programs was used, and the results were analyzed using SPSS V22 to verify the hypotheses. The study concluded that the reality of physical conditions and occupational health and safety programs is inadequate, according to the perspectives of night shift workers at Ben Nasser Bashir Specialized Hospital for Mother and Child in El Oued.
Article Details
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