Human Resource Management in Retention of Older Workers Psychology: Synthesis of Conclusions

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Zuliana Zulkifli, Norazila Mat, Rosmah Mat Isa


Background: The significance of human resource management in organizational contexts cannot be overstated, as it serves as a pivotal mechanism for facilitating the optimal functioning of the workforce and personnel, thereby enabling them to execute their assigned responsibilities proficiently and make valuable contributions towards the attainment of organizational excellence. The presence of high-caliber senior management is a distinguishing characteristic of efficacious human resource management, as it empowers the organization to leverage its accumulated experience, specialized skills, and intellectual capital. A multitude of scholarly inquiries and meticulous examinations have been undertaken to ascertain the progressions and salient aspects observed in the management of elderly employees within the domain of human resource management. The primary objective of this paper is to conduct an extensive synthesis of prior scholarly investigations pertaining to the field of human resource management in relation to the retention of older employees.

Methods: The investigation was conducted utilizing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) methodology, employing article data obtained from the esteemed Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus databases, encompassing the temporal range from 2001 to 2021.

Results: In the ultimate phase, a total of seventeen articles were meticulously curated, and a comprehensive analysis was conducted to discern the intricate patterns of article citations, the geographical contexts of previous studies, the diverse disciplinary backgrounds, and the methodological approaches employed. This comprehensive investigation has successfully delineated and discerned nine distinct thematic domains within the realm of scholarly inquiry. These domains encompass the multifaceted dimensions of human resource management, personnel review, human resource development, human relations, work and organizational psychology, work behavioral health, managerial psychology, management development, and manpower. This study additionally consolidates the methodologies employed by the antecedent studies in the relevant domain.

Conclusions: Several recommendations are provided to assist future academics in examining these areas of human resource management in relation to the retention of older workers.

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How to Cite
Rosmah Mat Isa, Z. Z. N. M. (2023). Human Resource Management in Retention of Older Workers Psychology: Synthesis of Conclusions. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s), 80–100. Retrieved from