Cyberpsychology and the Impact of AI on Mental Health

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Kirti Agarwal, Smriti Malhotra, S. Lara Priyadharshini, D. Bharathi, Arjun Singh, Kavita Nitin Khadse


As the use of digital technologies continues to influence more and more facets of human existence, there has been a substantial uptick in interest in the topic of cyberpsychology, which combines elements of both psychology and technology. The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has had a particularly profound impact on the way in which humans engage with technology and carries with it significant repercussions for mental health.  The advancement of artificial intelligence has resulted in a number of benefits for society, including increased levels of productivity, superior healthcare, and more individualized experiences. However, concerns have been voiced about the potentially detrimental implications that AI could have on a person's mental well-being as a result of its rapid incorporation into everyday life. The purpose of this abstract is to investigate the myriad ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) affects mental health, in both positive and harmful ways. On the bright side, there is the possibility that technologies driven by AI will one day be able to give mental health care and intervention. Chatbots and virtual assistants have the ability to provide instant responses, which can foster a sense of friendship while simultaneously alleviating feelings of loneliness and social isolation. The early detection and diagnosis of mental health illnesses can be aided by algorithms developed by AI, which paves the way for prompt interventions and therapy. In addition, AI-enabled treatments, such as exposure therapy based on virtual reality, have demonstrated significant potential in the treatment of illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorders. However, there are several issues associated with the impact that AI has on mental health. Concerns regarding privacy, data security, and ethical issues have been brought up in light of the growing reliance on technologies driven by artificial intelligence (AI). It is possible for individuals to suffer increased anxiety and a lack of control over their personal information as a result of AI algorithms collecting and analyzing enormous volumes of personal data. Additionally, social media platforms and recommendation systems that are powered by AI have the potential to lead to unfavorable psychological effects, such as addiction, concerns with one's own self-esteem, and excessive social comparison.  The study aims to examine both the positive and negative effects of AI on mental well-being and understand the underlying mechanisms through which AI influences mental health outcomes.

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How to Cite
Kavita Nitin Khadse, K. A. S. M. S. L. P. . D. B. A. S. (2023). Cyberpsychology and the Impact of AI on Mental Health. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s), 276–287. Retrieved from