Impact of Nature-Based Tourism on Physical & Mental Health of Patients

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Somanchi Hari Krishna, Himanshu Rajput, Prathibha M K, Seva Rangnekar, R. Sethumadhavan


Nature-based tourism, often known as ecotourism or sustainable tourism, has gained popularity for its ability to improve health outcomes for individuals, especially patients with a variety of physical and mental health concerns. Using current literature and studies, this study investigates the impact of nature-based tourism on patients' physical and emotional well-being. Nature-based tourism has been shown in studies to greatly contribute to stress reduction by offering a serene and tranquil setting that helps alleviate anxiety and promote relaxation. Hiking, animal observation, or water-based activities in natural settings have been demonstrated to improve patients' cardiovascular health, muscular strength, and overall fitness levels. The immune system benefits from nature-based experiences, with exposure to green spaces and natural environs enhancing immunological function and assisting patients in their recovery from illnesses. Furthermore, patients who engage in nature-based activities report higher mood, enhanced feelings of happiness, and improved mood disorder and depression management. This research paper intends to contribute to the expanding body of information about the health advantages of nature-based tourism for patients by combining and analyzing existing literature and empirical evidence. The purpose of this study paper is to investigate the impact of nature-based tourism on patients' physical and mental well-being, based on a thorough evaluation of existing literature, studies, and empirical evidence.  The purpose of this research article is to look into the main features of nature-based tourism that benefit patients' physical and mental health. The study will look into the effects of natural surroundings on stress reduction and anxiety relief, giving light on the physiological and psychological mechanisms at work. Physical activities in natural environments will also be investigated for their impact in improving patients' cardiovascular health, muscular strength, and general fitness. Another focus of this research will be the psychological benefits of nature-based tourism, as well as the impact of natural environments on patients' mood, happiness, and mental well-being, as well as their ability to ameliorate mood disorders and depression. Furthermore, the function of nature-based activities in increasing mindfulness, mental clarity, and self-awareness will be highlighted, emphasizing their therapeutic value for individuals dealing with mental health issues. The main objective of this study to examine nature-based tourism impact on physical & mental health of patients & to explore the role of nature-based activities which helps in patients cure. The research tested the hypothesis whether nature-based tourism contribute positively to physical & mental health of patients and overall well-being.

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How to Cite
Somanchi Hari Krishna, Himanshu Rajput, Prathibha M K, Seva Rangnekar, R. Sethumadhavan. (2023). Impact of Nature-Based Tourism on Physical & Mental Health of Patients. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s), 347–357. Retrieved from