The Psychological Influence of Workload, Long Work, And Nutritional Status with Work Fatigue on the Level of Work Productivity

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Nurul Pratiwi Army, Lalu Muhammad Saleh, Yahya Thamrin


Fatigue can significantly affect the mental and physical health of workers and can decrease productivity. Productivity refers to the ability to produce goods and services to improve the quality and quantity of work generated by a company. This study aims to analyze the influence of long work, Workload, and Body Mass Index (BMI) on work fatigue and work productivity among employees at PT Gapura Angkasa Makassar.  Quantitative research using a cross-sectional method and employing a proportional random sampling technique with 123 respondents. Data collection instruments include Microtoise, Weighing Scale, NASA-TLX and IFRC/KAUPK2 Questionnaire for interviews and observations. Data analysis for this study involves using Path Analysis and SPSS. Based on the multivariate analysis, the following direct effects were found: Work Duration has a significant direct effect on fatigue (p=0.001), Mental Workload has a significant direct effect on fatigue (p=0.001), Work Duration has a significant direct effect on Work Productivity (p=0.036), Mental Workload has a significant direct effect on Work Productivity (p=0.013), and Body Mass Index (IMT) has a significant direct effect on Work Productivity (p=0.018). There are also indirect effects observed: Work Duration, Mental Workload, and IMT have an indirect effect on Work Productivity through fatigue (p=0.001). Based on this research, it can be concluded that Work Duration, Mental Workload, and IMT have a direct influence on fatigue, and there is an indirect influence of Work Duration and Mental Workload on Work Productivity through fatigue. Employees are encouraged to prioritize their health, pay attention to their diet and get sufficient rest, in order to be more productive in their work.

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How to Cite
Nurul Pratiwi Army, Lalu Muhammad Saleh, Yahya Thamrin. (2023). The Psychological Influence of Workload, Long Work, And Nutritional Status with Work Fatigue on the Level of Work Productivity. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s), 409–413. Retrieved from