The Effect of Posyandu (Integrated Healthcare Center) Cadres Training on Breastfeeding Using a MCH Book-Based Module toward Knowledge and Attitudes in Stunting Prevention Counseling

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Nurmiaty, Khalidatul Khair Anwar, Dyah Noviawati Setya Arum, Agussalim


Posyandu, which is an integrated healthcare centre, is a type of health service that is community-based and is established by the community with the assistance of cadres who act as healthcare providers. The achievement of optimal exclusive breastfeeding rates among mothers remains below the desired threshold, and the availability of trained counsellors is scarce. Therefore, it is imperative to organise training programmes for personnel to enhance their knowledge and skills in the domain of breastfeeding. The objective of this investigation is to ascertain the impact of the training of Posyandu cadre, who are responsible for providing integrated healthcare services, on breastfeeding practises. This will be achieved through the utilisation of a module based on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) literature, with the goal of enhancing knowledge and attitudes towards counselling on the prevention of stunting. The present investigation employs a quantitative research approach utilising a quasi-experimental design. The entire population under study comprised of 92 participants, with 46 individuals assigned to the experimental group and the other 46 to the control group. The instruction was conducted over a span of four consecutive days, while the gathering of information was executed through the utilisation of pre-assessment and post-assessment surveys. Moreover, the collected data underwent analysis through the utilisation of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and the Mann-Whitney U test. The findings of this investigation indicate that the mean score of personnel's cognition in the experimental cohort was 97.8, whereas the corresponding figure for the control cohort was 92.0. The utilisation of the module for training purposes can enhance the cognitive and affective domains of the personnel with regards to providing advice on stunting prevention through breastfeeding. This holds significant value in bolstering the responsibilities of cadres in delivering services at Posyandu, thereby augmenting the scope of exclusive breastfeeding, which is a crucial measure in mitigating stunting.

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How to Cite
Nurmiaty, Khalidatul Khair Anwar, Dyah Noviawati Setya Arum, Agussalim. (2023). The Effect of Posyandu (Integrated Healthcare Center) Cadres Training on Breastfeeding Using a MCH Book-Based Module toward Knowledge and Attitudes in Stunting Prevention Counseling. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s), 425–432. Retrieved from