The Psychological Effect of Racial Attitudes of Parents on their Children

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Suraj Sharma, Santosh Shinde, Vinayak Shitole, Shrikant Waghulkar, Shubham Chowdhury


Previous studies have not found any relevant information related to data on the effects of racism on children. Racism is a major drawback of society that affects society widely. This study aims to develop this study by collecting data from previously conducted studies. The study followed the secondary data analysis method for collecting all valuable information. Most of cases, family parents have lots of knowledge-related issues that affect the children's minds massively. Such as discrimination, racist are major key aspects that are included under the context of racism effect on children. This study also sheds light on showing the good findings that help massively to understand the context properly

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How to Cite
Suraj Sharma, Santosh Shinde, Vinayak Shitole, Shrikant Waghulkar, Shubham Chowdhury. (2023). The Psychological Effect of Racial Attitudes of Parents on their Children. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s), 476–480. Retrieved from