Methodological Strategies in Strengthening the Psychological Resolution of Mathematical Problems in Secondary Level Students

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Trujillo Quezada Maria Soledad, Rosa Huaraca Aparco


The present research aims to explain how methodological strategies strengthen the resolution of mathematical problems in students of the  secondary level, from the systematic review of the literature, which allows an assessment of the variety of methodological strategies that  exist to solve problems that can be applied by students and teachers in teaching. Learning mathematics, allowing students to develop their mathematical skills in  solving problems of their context and finding meaning in their learning. The methodology used was a bibliographic review and different information search strategies were used in the exploration of documents by keywords, by topic, by author and by word trick. The data used were: processes, strategies, metacognition, flexibility, problem solving, mathematical competence, technology among others,  found in the databases Google Scholar, Scopus, Redalyc, Scielo, Proquest, Oaji, Doaj, Latindex, and Dialnet. Being subjected to criteria of validity and reliability. It was concluded that methodological strategies such as processes, metacognition and flexibility favor problem solving  accompanied by technology; for this, teachers and  students must be prepared and break with traditional and mechanistic teaching.

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How to Cite
Trujillo Quezada Maria Soledad, Rosa Huaraca Aparco. (2023). Methodological Strategies in Strengthening the Psychological Resolution of Mathematical Problems in Secondary Level Students. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s), 600–610. Retrieved from