Sociology Learning in Reducing Bullying in Kerinci District Senior High School

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Tri Nurza Rahmawati, Firman, Erianjoni


Introduction: Today, acts of violence from groups who use their power to harm a group of people are increasing, including bullying behavior. Generally, victims of bullying are children who can be ridiculed, such as children who are weak, shy, quiet and special (disabled, closed, smart, beautiful, or have certain body characteristics). The existence of sociology learning has been going on for a very long time but it has not provided awareness to people about rights and obligations, especially to groups that have power and strength in high school from various walks of life. This study aims to produce and develop an E-book in learning sociology using jurisprudential inquiry to reduce bullying in high school.

Objectives: Research has been carried out to see how sociology learning so far has minimized bullying behavior, especially in SMAN 13 Kerinci Regency and SMAN 4 Kerinci Regency.

Methods: In this study, qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods were used, namely using quantitative statistics. The research sample is all students in SMAN 13 and SMAN 4 Kerinci Regency by using random sampling as many as 100 respondents. Data The research describes descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively about how sociology learning so far has minimized bullying behavior among high school students in schools.

Results: The results of the study show that (1) learning sociology that does not run properly results in bullying behavior in SMA N 13 Kerinci Regency and SMAN 4 Kerinci Regency. (2) There are two kinds of bullying behavior that occurs in the form of; Physical bullying behavior includes (hitting, slapping, kicking, pinching and blocking behavior) In general, 45 respondents answered that they always did physical bullying. While verbal bullying that was studied in schools there were 5 question items such as: insulting, cursing, mocking, laughing and nicknames, in general, verbal bullying behavior with answers always found in schools has reached 75 respondents. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of teacher interviews suggest that sociology learning so far has only focused on cognitive assessment so that there is no anti-bullying attitude among high school students.


Sociology learning that does not run properly results in bullying behavior in SMA N 13 Kerinci Regency and SMAN 4 Kerinci Regency. There are two kinds of bullying behavior that occurs in the form of; Physical bullying behavior includes (hitting, slapping, kicking, pinching and blocking behavior) In general, 45 respondents answered that they always did physical bullying. While verbal bullying that was studied in schools there were 5 question items such as: insulting, cursing, mocking, laughing and nicknames, in general, verbal bullying behavior with answers always found in schools has reached 75 respondents. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of teacher interviews suggest that sociology learning so far has only focused on cognitive assessment so that there is no anti-bullying attitude among high school students.

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How to Cite
Tri Nurza Rahmawati, Firman, Erianjoni. (2023). Sociology Learning in Reducing Bullying in Kerinci District Senior High School. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(1), 11–20. Retrieved from