Actualization of Tarekat Teachings on Social Behaviour from a Psychological Perspective (A Case Study on the Sadziliyah Tarekat in Kudus, Indonesia)
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Introduction: This article is the result of field research in qualitative research in the case study category. The research was conducted at the Sadziliah Tarekat in Kudus, Indonesia. This research is to find out the teachings and practises of the Syadziliyah tarekat, the experiences and meanings obtained after carrying out the tarekat teachings, and the social behaviour of the tarekat.
Objectives: This research was conducted to determine the effect of the teachings of the Sadziliyah taraket on students who practise them in their social behaviour in daily life. Does the tarekat's teaching have a positive or negative psychological impact? The positive impact of practising the teachings of the tarekat will manifest in positive behaviour. Conversely, the negative impact of the Tarekat teachings will manifest negative behaviour that can deviate psychologically in social behaviour.
Methods: The case study research steps taken are prepare, plan, design, collect, share, and analyse. This is a single case study. Typology of case study research: researchers use explanatory or case studies (cause of case studies). Next, the researcher described the findings of the case study research with a meaning map. The meaning map includes first describing experience (describing experience), second describing meaning (describing meaning), and thirdly focusing on the analysis (focusing on analysis).
Results: This article finds that: First, the Sadziliyah tarekat in Kudus was founded by Abah Thoriq, who studied mursyid with Sheikh al-Habib Muhammad Lutfi bin Ali bin Yahya, who served as Rais Aam Jam'iyyah Tariqah Al-Mu'tabarah An-Nahdliyyah. The second is the experience and meaning of the teachings of the Sadziliyah Tarekat not to leave worldly matters. The three experiences and meanings of the Sadziliyah tarekat do not ignore the affairs of the syari'ah. The four experiences and meanings of the Sadziliyah tarekat teach us to have a zuhud personality. The five experiences and meanings of the Sadziliyah Tarekat are organisations of people who take the Sufi path. The six experiences and meanings of the Sadziliyah tarekat teach its members that apart from having a relationship with Allah, they also relate to fellow human beings. The seven experiences and meanings of dzikr in the Sadziliyah tarekat are to draw closer to Allah.
Conclusions: The teachings of the Sadziliyah congregation have a positive impact on their students (santri) social behaviour in everyday life. This positive effect can be seen in his personality, which is psychologically healthy and diligent in worshipping Allah. Santri of the Sadziliyah congregation carry out worldly work duties and do not leave their afterlife affairs.