Psychological Diversities of Behavior: Validation of Workplace Incivility Scale (WIS) In Context of Education Among Indian University Teachers

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Dr. Nimisha Beri, Suneel L. Keswani


Purpose: The aim of this study is to standardise the scale of Workplace Incivility in the Indian context among university teachers.

Theoretical Framework: Modern day workplace in corporate or educational institutions is an epitome of excellence but simultaneously the employees and teachers have been inundated with emotional and physical challenges never experienced before. Workplace incivility is one of them, this has been defined as micro aggressions, abuses, office politics, acts of jealousy done among internal stakeholders comprising of peers and seniors which severely affects the workplace happiness and ultimately the productivity of the employees.

Methodology: WIS Scale developed by Cortina (2001) was adopted as a primary data collection tool to access the level of WIS prevailing among Indian university teachers. CFA  was applied to access the validity and reliability of the scale used in the Indian context. Based on a sample of 400 university teachers’ respondents comprising of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in the designate universities a model fit in the Indian context was developed to validate the multidimensional scale of 12 items of WIS.

Findings:  The systematic validated scale (instrument) after careful EFA & CFA analysis done by the researchers can now be objectively be used in assessing workplace incivility among working professionals, university teachers in Indian Context

Implications: This can significantly add value in better understanding a contemporary issue of workplace incivility impacting the quality of teaching and other outcomes in educational institutions and accordingly develop interventions to resolve it.

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How to Cite
Dr. Nimisha Beri, Suneel L. Keswani. (2023). Psychological Diversities of Behavior: Validation of Workplace Incivility Scale (WIS) In Context of Education Among Indian University Teachers. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s), 791–798. Retrieved from