Psychological- Clinical Intercession and Behaviour Therapy Techniques for Active Mindfulness to Decrease Stress and Negative Affect on Mental Health: Lensing Socio-Legal Angles and SDG 3- Good Health and Well-Being

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Gyanashree Dutta, Upankar Chutia, Bhupinder Singh, Baidya Nath Mukherjee, Arun Kumar Singh, Anil Kumar Sharma, Shalu Tyagi


Stress and negative affect are common experiences that can have detrimental effects on mental well-being. In recent years, various psychological approaches have been developed and tested to address these issues. This paper examines the effectiveness of these interventions, their underlying mechanisms, and their implications for clinical practice. The reviewed interventions include cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, relaxation techniques, positive psychology interventions, and social support interventions. The paper also discusses the importance of personalized approaches, cultural considerations, and the integration of technology in delivering these interventions. By synthesizing current research findings, this paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the strategies available for mitigating stress and negative affect, thus promoting better mental health. This extensive research paper delves into the realm of psychological interventions aimed at reducing stress and negative affect to foster mental well-being, while exploring the legal dimensions and alignment with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 - Good Health and Well-Being. Stress and negative affect pose significant challenges to mental health, and addressing these issues is not only a matter of scientific interest but also holds legal and ethical implications. By examining the intersection of psychological interventions, legal frameworks, and the global commitment to SDG 3, this paper offers a comprehensive exploration of the multidimensional approach required to improve mental health and well-being.

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How to Cite
Gyanashree Dutta, Upankar Chutia, Bhupinder Singh, Baidya Nath Mukherjee, Arun Kumar Singh, Anil Kumar Sharma, Shalu Tyagi. (2023). Psychological- Clinical Intercession and Behaviour Therapy Techniques for Active Mindfulness to Decrease Stress and Negative Affect on Mental Health: Lensing Socio-Legal Angles and SDG 3- Good Health and Well-Being. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s), 1001–1012. Retrieved from