Mechanisms of Applying the Principle of Legal Security to Human Rights Norms in National Legislation

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Najm Abbood Mahdi


Interestingly, the principle of legal security has increased in recent times because of the successive developments that the world is witnessing at all levels, and all of this requires confronting these developments by ensuring the application of laws issued and protecting those rules from violation by individuals and the ruling authorities. Accordingly, the principle of legal security seeks to provide the necessary protection for individuals' rights and legal positions and ensure a minimum level of consistency and stability in transactions and legal functions. States seek to include the principle of legal security through their constitutions and national legislation, albeit implicitly, to protect these public rights and freedoms from being violated by any party and ensure that individuals know the limits of these rights and freedoms and avoid infringing on them in their dealings.

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How to Cite
Najm Abbood Mahdi. (2023). Mechanisms of Applying the Principle of Legal Security to Human Rights Norms in National Legislation. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(1), 154–161. Retrieved from