A Survey Regarding Preferred Cementation Material and Methods among Dentist in and around Satara District

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Neha Yelwe, Ajay Gaikwad, Yusuf AR, Amit Jadhav, Shashikiran ND, Pratap Mane


This survey investigates the cementation material and method preferences, as well as restorative material choices among dentists in and around Satara District. A total of 116 dentists participated in the survey, revealing a notable inclination towards conventional cementation, with glass ionomer cement being the preferred choice for 75% of respondents. This dominance of traditional methods, coupled with a limited adoption of newer techniques like self-adhesive composites, suggests a potential gap in knowledge or reluctance to embrace contemporary approaches. The survey also sheds light on the material preferences for fixed dental prostheses, with porcelain fused to metal (53.4%) emerging as the most favored restorative material, followed by alloy (28.4%). However, the utilization of advanced materials like zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate glass ceramics and CAD/CAM resin composites remains relatively low, indicating a conservative approach towards material selection. The survey results highlight a need for targeted educational initiatives to bridge the gap between established practices and emerging trends, fostering a more informed and adaptable dental community. Addressing the factors contributing to the hesitancy in adopting newer materials, such as limited awareness, cost concerns, or patient acceptance, presents an opportunity for collaborative efforts among manufacturers, professional associations, and educational institutions. Ultimately, this survey provides a snapshot of the current state of dental practices in Satara District, offering valuable insights for future interventions aimed at optimizing cementation and material choices in the dynamic landscape of restorative dentistry.

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How to Cite
Neha Yelwe, Ajay Gaikwad, Yusuf AR, Amit Jadhav, Shashikiran ND, Pratap Mane. (2023). A Survey Regarding Preferred Cementation Material and Methods among Dentist in and around Satara District. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(6s), 704–711. Retrieved from https://jrtdd.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1971