Ancestral Advancement Arrangements and Social Disarray in Jharkhand: An Anthropological Enquiry

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Dr. Ambrish Gautam
Mr. Abhaya Ranjan


British colonial state transformed the forest dependent swidden agriculturist indigenous people into settled plough agriculturist communities. Colonial agrarian policy was guided by the two agrarian acts, the CNTA and SPTA. In the first phase, emphasis was given on setting up of large-scale industries and promotion of extractive industries to feed them. For power generation, hydroelectricity was a new addition to the existing thermal ones. Agriculture was pushed down to the second grade on the scale of preference. Nothing was done to expand irrigated fields and agriculture was left to the vagaries of rains. The waters of the Multipurpose Hydro-Electric projects, such as Damodar Valley Corporation and Subarnarekha Multipurpose Project flew to the neighboring states of West Bengal and Odisha leaving the land of their origin high and dry. Rain-fed agriculture accompanied by hybrid seeds and chemical fertilizers and pesticides continuously ruined the soil and resulted in low productivity coupled with intermittent drought conditions catalyzed the food insecurity of the people.  In the next phase, post 90s economic reform period, more and more agricultural and forest land were diverted towards non-forestry purposes to meet the corporate demand for investment in industry. Agriculture by the small farmers found no place in the policy of ‘Development’ of the post reform period. Jharkhand was formed with the objective of furthering this ‘Development’ agenda. But till now the dreams of people are not fulfilled despite the changes in the development parameters and policies.  In this paper I have tried to analyze the developmental prospects and its impact in the state of Jharkhand.

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How to Cite
Dr. Ambrish Gautam, & Mr. Abhaya Ranjan. (2023). Ancestral Advancement Arrangements and Social Disarray in Jharkhand: An Anthropological Enquiry. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(7s), 1098–1108.
Author Biographies

Dr. Ambrish Gautam

Assistant Professor, Amity University Jharkhand Ranchi

Mr. Abhaya Ranjan

Assistant Professor, Amity University Jharkhand Ranchi


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