"Sustainable Tourism Development: A Model Examining The Relationship Between Destination Image, Tourist Satisfaction, And Tourism Loyalty"

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Dr. Feba Kurian


As the global tourism industry continues to thrive, the imperative for sustainable tourism practices becomes increasingly apparent. This research paper proposes a model aimed at fostering sustainable tourism through the examination of the interconnected dynamics between destination image, tourist satisfaction, and tourism loyalty. The research explores the concept of destination image, delving into the factors influencing the perception of a destination by potential visitors. By synthesizing existing literature and conducting empirical investigations, the study identifies the key elements that contribute to shaping destination image. The paper investigates the crucial role of tourist satisfaction in the sustainable tourism paradigm and explores the relationship between tourist satisfaction and tourism loyalty. Utilizing advanced statistical analyses, the research assesses the extent to which satisfied tourists are more likely to engage in repeat visits, positive word-of-mouth, and a commitment to supporting sustainable practices. Loyalty is examined not only as a measure of economic impact but also as a potential driver for advocating sustainable tourism principles.

Ultimately, the model presented in this research provides valuable insights for destination management organizations, policymakers, and tourism stakeholders seeking to promote sustainable tourism development. The findings contribute to the understanding of how building a positive destination image, ensuring tourist satisfaction, and fostering tourism loyalty collectively create a framework for sustainable tourism that benefits both the destination and its stakeholders. The paper concludes with practical recommendations for implementing sustainable tourism strategies that prioritize environmental conservation, cultural preservation, and community well-being, ensuring a harmonious balance between economic growth and responsible tourism practices

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How to Cite
Dr. Feba Kurian. (2023). "Sustainable Tourism Development: A Model Examining The Relationship Between Destination Image, Tourist Satisfaction, And Tourism Loyalty". Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s), 1800–1811. https://doi.org/10.53555/jrtdd.v6i10s.2323
Author Biography

Dr. Feba Kurian

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Mar Athanasius College(Autonomous), Kothamangalam


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