Effect Of Occupational Therapy Based Activities On Fine Motor Skills Of Children With Intellectual Disability

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T. Jegadeesan
Dr. P. Nagalakshmi


Aim :The aim of the study is to find the effect of occupational therapy activities on fine motor skills among intellectual disability children.


  • To assess fine motor skills among intellectual disability children.

  • To evaluate the effect of occupational therapy based activities on fine motor skills of children with intellectual disability.


The study was done among intellectual disability children with fine motor problems in the age group of 8 to 12 years. 30 subjects were selected and divided into two groups.15 subjects were taken in experimental group and 15 were taken in control group. Both groups were assessed using Madras Developmental Programming System scale and their scores were recorded. The control group received regular special school programme and the experimental group received occupational therapy based activities along with regular special school programme.

Results: The result of the study shows that there is a significant improvement in fine motor skills among intellectual disability children by using occupational therapy based activities.

Conclusion: The conclusion of the study indicates that occupational therapy based activities has a significant effect in improving fine motor skills.

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How to Cite
T. Jegadeesan, & Dr. P. Nagalakshmi. (2024). Effect Of Occupational Therapy Based Activities On Fine Motor Skills Of Children With Intellectual Disability . Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 7(3), 19–24. https://doi.org/10.53555/jrtdd.v7i3.2462
Author Biographies

T. Jegadeesan

Ph.D. Research Scholar, PG and Research Institute of Rehabilitation science, Holycross college, Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India. 

Dr. P. Nagalakshmi

PhD. Associate Professor, PG and Research Institute of Rehabilitation science, Holycross college, Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Trichy. Tamilnadu, India. 


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