Examining Gender As A Moderator In The Relationship Between Materialism, Customer Value, And Customer Loyalty

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Mr. Vikram Bajaj


This research aims to study relationship between materialism, customer value and customer loyality and test the role of gender as a moderator variable. The questionnaire-measuring used to investigate the relationship between materialism, customer value, and customer loyalty with a moderating role of gender. The scale consists of five Likert scale. After reviewing the theoretical frame, the researcher suggested the use of modifiable, reliable and valid scales for each variable as well as using SPSS version 20 for statistical analysis purposes. The scale to measure the level of materialism. The study indicates that Saudi youth is moving towards awareness and awareness of the brand and seeks to build a personal identity through their favorite brands. This has been helped by the high level of income as it has appeared more among young people than young women. There is also an increasing trend amongst women towards fashion clothing. More than traditional clothes, ownership has also been achieved for them by creating the great sense of happiness that they feel. Materialism has also been linked, to a great extent, to values, customs and traditions, and this is taken into consideration when moving towards materialism

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How to Cite
Mr. Vikram Bajaj. (2022). Examining Gender As A Moderator In The Relationship Between Materialism, Customer Value, And Customer Loyalty. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 5(2), 214–222. https://doi.org/10.53555/jrtdd.v5i2.2565
Author Biography

Mr. Vikram Bajaj

RNB Global University-Bikaner, Rajasthan, India


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