Modeling The Behavior Of Social Machines According To Cybernetics Research

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Dobashi Mohammad Mohsen
Rahmanzadeh Seyed Ali
Aqili Seyed Vahid
Hashem Zehi Nowroz
Keya Ali Asghar


The social machine refers to a combination of humans and communication technologies through the cooperation and interaction between which social structuration is formed. In this concept, machines represent technological communication tools, and humans represent people who have individual or social actions using these tools. In the ubiquitous computing era where artificial intelligence applications are used, social machines act as a powerful framework for understanding and interpreting interactions in social relations, leading to the addition of topics including socio-algorithmic ecosystems or computational social sciences to the social science literature. Moreover, researchers have largely used it to analyze interactions between people and model different levels of communication. On a more specific note, social machines can be used as a framework for policy-making in the field of communication and its relevant technologies. The present study provided a five-point framework for classifying influence processes in socio-algorithmic ecosystems and examined several aspects of social machines from a cybernetic perspective. For this purpose, the factors affecting the concept of social machines were extracted from different sources using an analytical-inferential method and then analyzed and combined. Next, a conceptual model was defined as a framework for structurally evaluating social machines according to the findings. Moreover, the interactions between people and algorithms were formed and categorized through the understanding of social machines according to cybernetics research. Case studies were used to explain how people and algorithms interact in online social networks and algorithmic decision-making systems and describe how this framework can guide scientists in further research and help managers in policy-making.


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How to Cite
Dobashi Mohammad Mohsen, Rahmanzadeh Seyed Ali, Aqili Seyed Vahid, Hashem Zehi Nowroz, & Keya Ali Asghar. (2022). Modeling The Behavior Of Social Machines According To Cybernetics Research. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 5(2), 124–144.
Author Biographies

Dobashi Mohammad Mohsen

Ph.D. Student, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran,  

Rahmanzadeh Seyed Ali

Assistant Professor, Department Of Social Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran  

Aqili Seyed Vahid

Associate Professor, Department Of Social Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran ,

Hashem Zehi Nowroz

Assistant Professor, Department Of Social Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran  , 

Keya Ali Asghar

Associate Professor, Department Of Journalism, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran  , 


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