Anticoagulation Overdose When Receiving Anticoagulant Therapy Vitamin K Antagonists Who Had Use Of The Cruciferous Family Green: A Review Of The World’s Medicine
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Objective: Study to find out the influence of risk factors that are green vegetables of the cruciferous family that can cause anticoagulation over-dosage drugs who received anticoagulant therapy with vitamin K antagonists.
Methods: Present case series study and review of the medical literature, Study on 5 case series of heart failure, mechanical mitral valve after mitral heart valve surgery, and atrial fibrillation had coagulation disorders who receiving anticoagulant therapy with vitamin K antagonists and have used greens vegetables of the cruciferous family.
Results: A Study on 5 cases of the main disease as atrial fibrillation (AF), heart failure with dilated heart chambers, and artificial heart valve surgery who were using vitamin K antagonist anticoagulants (VKAs) drugs with green vegetables of the Cruciferous family that can cause anticoagulation overdose and was discovered when they were medical examination at an International General Hospital in Vietnam in 2022. Clinical cases found to have anticoagulation overdose including the subcutaneous hemorrhagic bruise and who had an anticoagulant overdose disorder with an INR of 7.32, 5.11, 7.63, 8.22, and 10.91, respectively. We were acutely managed in timely resuscitation and returned the coagulation index to normal.
Conclusion: It is recommended that patients who are using vitamin K anticoagulant drugs, should balance their diet, and limit green vegetables that contain a lot of vitamin K such as the Cruciferous family to avoid possible blood clotting disorders or the bleeding may to happen.
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