Influence On The Environment In The Lima Megalopolis, Of The Mining Tailings Located In The Middle And Headboard Basins, Of The Chillón, Rímac And Lurin Rivers. Left By The Exploitation Of Metallic Mineral Resources.

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Tomás Ezequiel Gallarday Bocanegra
Ciro Sergio Bedia Guillen
José Ronald Vásquez Sánchez
Rudolfo Dimas Barrios Guerrero
Cleto Mauricio Vidal Lópe


We think that the liabilities or mining tailings, which now remain apparently static and inactive on the surface of their base accumulated for years, are active on their surface exposed to weathering, the passage of time and the various external geodynamic processes produced by climatic stations such as the rainy summer, which erodes and transports its particles to the water flows of the Chillón, Rímac and Lurín rivers, the mineral tailings are the result of the treatment by grinding rocks in concentration plants, they contain, in addition to metallic metals, reagents harmful to the health of the people who live in Lima, such as sodium cyanide, copper sulfate, pine oil, Aeroflot, arsenic, sulfur and iron, these solid wastes, also exposed to the weathering process and pluvial and wind events, are what raise or eroded to be transported to river plains, slopes, peaks or river and marine deposition basins where they are decant, contaminating their various soil horizons with toxic substances and negatively impacting the local and regional environments, which form the ecological spaces where man lives.


It is evident that when man arrived in Peruvian territory it was 5000 thousand years ago, they first used obsidian to make their tools, followed by pre-Inca cultures or civilizations located in various environments or sectors of the erogenous, events that occurred before it began. The Inca Empire the following human cultures are cited:

Chinchorro, Churajon, mayo-Chinchipe, Marañón, Caral, Sechín, Valdivia, Chavín, Cupisnique, Lima, Chancay, Paracas, Wari among others.

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How to Cite
Tomás Ezequiel Gallarday Bocanegra, Ciro Sergio Bedia Guillen, José Ronald Vásquez Sánchez, Rudolfo Dimas Barrios Guerrero, & Cleto Mauricio Vidal Lópe. (2024). Influence On The Environment In The Lima Megalopolis, Of The Mining Tailings Located In The Middle And Headboard Basins, Of The Chillón, Rímac And Lurin Rivers. Left By The Exploitation Of Metallic Mineral Resources. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 7(5), 5–17.


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