Exploring The Role Of Occupational Stress And Resilience On The Sleep Quality Among Working Population

Main Article Content

Srinetra Reddy Madderla
Dr. Kiran Srivastava


Employment is vital since they give individuals a feeling of purpose, financial security, and the chance to advance both personally and professionally. The 200 individuals in the research had their gender differences, resilience, work stress, and sleep quality assessed. Occupational stress had a positive correlation with sleep quality, whereas, resilience a negative correlation with sleep quality. There were gender disparities found, with men scoring better on sleep quality than women. The significance of mitigating work-related stresses and fostering resilience in order to improve sleep quality is highlighted by these findings, especially for female employees. The study adds to our knowledge of the ways in which occupational characteristics affect well-being and emphasizes the necessity of focused workplace interventions. Organizations may promote healthier work environments and enhance the general well-being of their employees by addressing these variables. To give a more thorough explanation of these linkages, future research should take into account greater demographic and occupational variety. Caution is suggested when extrapolating findings beyond the populations of the United States and India that were researched.

Article Details

How to Cite
Srinetra Reddy Madderla, & Dr. Kiran Srivastava. (2023). Exploring The Role Of Occupational Stress And Resilience On The Sleep Quality Among Working Population. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(3s), 857–864. https://doi.org/10.53555/jrtdd.v6i3s.2772
Author Biographies

Srinetra Reddy Madderla

M.A. Clinical Psychology Student, Department of Psychology Chandigarh University, Punjab, India



Dr. Kiran Srivastava

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology Chandigarh University, Punjab, India


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