Impact Of Coronavirus On Indian Real Estate And Distribution On House Prices In India

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Th. Radhamohon Singh
Sanjit Maibam
Longjam Pabitabi Devi


In India, advancements in the housing sector have received a lot of attention. These debates are driven by worries over supply, especially at the top end of the market. In this regard, despite housing being a normal good, basic regression estimations show that income elasticity of house price fluctuations over the post-2010 period is negative. We explore the role of income distribution in order to uncover the fundamental cause. According to our empirical research, there is a positive (negative) correlation between changes in housing prices and the proportion of households in the bottom (top) quintiles of income.A jump in demand driven by an increase in the income share of the top income quintile may not put pressure on house prices given the existing adequate supply of homes at the high end of the market. Additionally, a decrease in their home demand may result from the bottom three income quintiles' diminishing income share. In order to reduce the disparities in the housing market, strategies aimed at increasing income equality may be helpful.

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How to Cite
Th. Radhamohon Singh, Sanjit Maibam, & Longjam Pabitabi Devi. (2023). Impact Of Coronavirus On Indian Real Estate And Distribution On House Prices In India. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(1s), 221–230.
Author Biographies

Th. Radhamohon Singh

Asst. Professor, Deptt. of Economics, Liberal College,

Sanjit Maibam

Asst. Professor, Deptt. of Sociology, Liberal College.

Longjam Pabitabi Devi

Asst. Professor, Deptt. of Sociology, Liberal College


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