Communication Support And Physiologic Monitoring For Hemiplegic Patients Using Smart Glove

Main Article Content

KaviPriya G
Manju Bargavi B
Manojini R
Roshini N
Mrs. Nithya C
Dr. Yuvaraj V


Hemiplegia, characterized by one-sided paralysis resulting from brain or spinal cord injuries, presents challenges in rehabilitation due to the often gradual and imperceptible nature of improvements. Our proposed project tackles this issue by incorporating various sensors flex, temperature, and pulse sensors to continuously monitor vital information that real time data shared in telegram application using internet of things. This technology not only captures nuanced details of  temperature variations, and pulse variations but also enables patients to communication between hemiplegia to  hemiplegia people and hemiplegia people to normal people effectively. The project stands out with its real-time communication feature using voice module to communicate with normal people to hemiplegia people and  hemiplegia people to hemiplegia people via blinking the lamp. In the presence of abnormal conditions or significant changes in the patient's status, immediate alert messages are sent to caregivers and medical professionals. This ensures timely responses and tailored interventions. The integration of flex sensors for muscle movements, temperature sensors for body temperature variations, and pulse sensors for monitoring the wearer’s heart rate collectively provides a comprehensive understanding of the patient's condition. By bridging the communication gap between hemiplegia patients and care givers, our project aims to    revolutionize monitoring and support systems. Through real-time alerts and continuous data tracking, we aspire to significantly improve rehabilitation outcomes and enhance the overall quality of life for those grappling with hemiplegia.

Article Details

How to Cite
KaviPriya G, Manju Bargavi B, Manojini R, Roshini N, Mrs. Nithya C, & Dr. Yuvaraj V. (2023). Communication Support And Physiologic Monitoring For Hemiplegic Patients Using Smart Glove. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s), 2136–2145.
Author Biographies

KaviPriya G

Biomedical Engineering V.S.B Engineering College (Autonomous) Karur, India

Manju Bargavi B

Biomedical Engineering V.S.B Engineering College (Autonomous) Karur, India 

Manojini R

Biomedical Engineering V.S.B Engineering College (Autonomous) Karur, India    

Roshini N

Biomedical Engineering V.S.B Engineering College (Autonomous) Karur, India

Mrs. Nithya C

Biomedical Engineering V.S.B Engineering College (Autonomous) Karur, India

Dr. Yuvaraj V

Biomedical Engineering V.S.B Engineering College (Autonomous) Karur, India



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