An Exploration of the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy & Factors influencing the outcome of Successful Psychotherapy

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Dr. Jaya Bharti
Dr. Manini Srivastava
Dr. Yogita Saxena


Psychotherapy may work through techniques that are specific to each therapy or through factors that are common to all therapies. Previous research indicates that the therapeutic alliance is a main factor in determining successful outcomes of psychotherapy.  The goal of this Research paper was to expand the understanding of not only the therapeutic alliance, but also how other contributing factors such as empathy, experience of the therapist, therapeutic modality, client’s level of motivation, personality, and symptomology increase positive therapeutic outcomes.  Psychotherapy is an expensive technique. Therefore, it is natural that the question arises in people's mind whether it is effective? Does this bring about the desired change in people's behaviour? Does it relieve people from suffering? Which type of procedure is most effective when used with which type of patient in which type of situation? All these types of questions are related to the evaluation of psychotherapy.


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How to Cite
Dr. Jaya Bharti, Dr. Manini Srivastava, & Dr. Yogita Saxena. (2023). An Exploration of the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy & Factors influencing the outcome of Successful Psychotherapy. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(1s), 231–240.
Author Biographies

Dr. Jaya Bharti

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, A.N.D.N.N.M.M. (C.SJ.M.U.), Harsh Nagar, Kanpur, India.

Dr. Manini Srivastava

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Lucknow, India

Dr. Yogita Saxena

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, D.A.V. P.G. College Kanpur, India


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