Impact Of Romantic Relationship And Parental Bonding On Psychological Well Being: A Comparative Study Among Working Men And Women
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Findings from this research shed light on the complex relationship between gender even psychological health by looking at things like cultural factors that affect gendered well-being, gendered expectations along with coping mechanisms, and gender differences in mental health outcomes. By looking at how gender differs in mental health issues, symptoms, help-seeking behavior, and stigma, we can observe how biological, social, and cultural variables interact in complicated ways. Gendered experiences and identities are shaped by sociocultural factors that effect people' psychological well-being. These factors include socialization processes, media portrayals, family dynamics, throughout educational/occupational environments. Furthermore, people's coping mechanisms in reaction to stress are impacted by gendered expectations around the management of emotions, addressing problems, taking risks, and seeking assistance. In order to create treatments and support structures that are sensitive to gender and that promote resilience and holistic well-being, it is essential to understand these dynamics.
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