Deconstructing Reproductive Discourses and Infertility in Graphic Memoirs

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Dr. Manjeet Rathee


Infertility is a health condition that affects all genders, yet women tend to experience significant rejection and mistreatment because a woman’s body is seen to be primarily meant for procreation. The prevalence of cultural norms that idealize childbirth and stigmatize infertility has a negative influence on those affected, as it disrupts their sense of self and intensifies their distress as a patient. Graphic memoirs, such as Paula Knight’s The Facts of Life, Emily Steinberg’s Broken Eggs, and Phoebe Potts’s Good Eggs, provide insights into the impact of infertility on women’s identity in a society that not only promotes but also glorifies childbirth. The study aims to assess the effectiveness of graphic memoirs in shaping contemporary perspectives on reproductive health and rights among women, utilizing a descriptive research methodology with secondary data collection to analyze prevalent viewpoints and attitudes toward reproductive issues in society. The study’s analyses delve deeply into the personal narratives, historical power dynamics, and cultural perspectives on reproduction and infertility found in the memoirs analyzed. To sum up, the study sheds light on the multifaceted nature of reproductive discourses and shows how graphic memoirs can be an effective tool for advocacy and storytelling about women’s health

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How to Cite
Abhilasha, & Dr. Manjeet Rathee. (2022). Deconstructing Reproductive Discourses and Infertility in Graphic Memoirs. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 5(2), 348–356.
Author Biographies


Research Scholar, Department of English and Foreign Languages, Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak

Dr. Manjeet Rathee

Professor, Department of English and Foreign Languages, Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak


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