The Study Of The Influence Of The Volume Of Motor Activity On The Indicators Of Physical And Mental Development And On The Functional State Of The Body Of Children And Adolescents
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Movement plays an indispensable role in every person's life. Through movement, the child learns about the world, forms perception, sensations, emotional and volitional sphere. Since it is at a young age that the development of the most important functions of the body's systems takes place, motor activity plays a fundamental role in this period. The purpose of this study was to identify the multifunctional importance of movement in all areas of children's development, to demonstrate the effect of physical activity on the morphofunctional parameters of the child's body. The study involved 122 schoolchildren aged 7 to 9 years (average age -7.6±0.3 years) In the structure of the surveyed girls – 63 (51.6%), boys - 59 __ (respectively, 48.3%). Based on the results of our study, the following conclusions can be formulated: morphofunctional indicators such as height, weight and Quetelet index are more determined by genetic material than by the level of motor volume, physical education is a favorable context for the formation of healthy physical culture and sports habits, and a high volume of motor activity may be the key to explaining the level of physical activity physical fitness of children.
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