Happiness Study: Multiple Regression Analysis Of Demographic Characteristics And Subjective Well Being In Jorhat, Assam
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The present study entitled “Happiness study: Multiple regression analysis of demographic characteristics and Subjective well-being in Jorhat, Assam” was undertaken in the Jorhat town area, Assam during 2020-2023 with the aim to analyze the relationship between demographic variables and subjective well-being. The sample consisted of 384 numbers of adults selected through Cochran’s formula for infinite population. Explanatory research design was adopted to conduct the present investigation. Demographic data was collected from the respondents using a self-constructed questionnaire. Subjective well-being count of the sample was collected using ‘Satisfaction with Life Scale’ and ‘Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale’. Upon completion of data collection and analysis, the results indicated that the demographic variables explain 68.50% of the variability of Subjective well-being of the total respondents. The demographic variables found to be highly significant (p<0.001) to the prediction of Subjective well-being were ‘age groups’, ‘marital status’, ‘family type’, ‘number of family members’, ‘parent’s education qualification’, ‘respondent’s education qualification’, ‘types of duties at work’, ‘expectation of working at the same place in future’ and ‘participation in professional development activities’. ‘Presence of dependent family members’, ‘supporting people around work’, ‘suffering from any chronic diseases by the respondent’ were found to be significantly contributing to the prediction of SWB at p<0.01 level. ‘Working hours’ was significant to the prediction of SWB at p<0.05 level of significance.
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