Should early educational programs for children with ASD be adapted in the M.E.N.A. cultures?
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On one hand, environments these days have a great number of successful educational programs for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); knowing them is of great importance for parents to be highlighted in their parental choices. On the other hand, cultural or own parental beliefs and wishes linked to child education are recommended to be considered in most programs, due to their influence on parental educational practices and the good appliance of the programs’ principles at home. However, this article addresses an uncommon question: due to their culture, to what extent do these programs accommodate the peculiar requirements of children with ASD in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region? Namely, educational cultural differences have been found in parental style and care. This article tries to analyze the adequacy of existing programs with the cultural educative preferences of the MENA region. In order to ensure inclusion of ASD children and maximize the impact of programs, we would like to know if culturally grounded changes are required to ensure that such programs are feasible and practical for children with ASD in the MENA region?
The article discusses the risk of cultural barriers that could make the implementation of these programs unsuccessful in the MENA region, such as the coordination of care.
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