Coping Strategies of Software Employees in Hyderabad

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Dr. A. Aravind
Dr. N Rajashekar


Coping is viewed as stabilizing factor that may help individuals maintain psychological adaptation during stress period. Coping is a process that consists of both problems focused coping potential (options for influencing the situation) and emotion-focused coping potential (ability to emotionally adapt to the situation). Thus coping style can be classified as emotion focused and problem focused.

IT industry in India has been one of the most significant growth contributors for the Indian economy. The industry has played a significant role in transforming India’s image from a slow moving bureaucratic economy to a land of innovative entrepreneurs and a global player in providing world class technology solutions and business services. The industry has helped India transform from a rural and agriculture-based economy to a knowledge based economy.

The present study was taken up with an objective to study the Coping Strategies of software employees with respect to demographic variables. Normative Survey method was adopted for present study. The sample of the study constitutes 400 software employees. Coping Strategies scale prepared by Prof. A.K. Srivastava (2001) was employed for data collection. The scale consists of 50 items related to Coping Strategies. The Coping Strategies are divided in to five major categories. The scoring for Coping Strategies is done on a 5 point scale. Percentages and Chi-square test of independence was used for analysis of data.  The study focused on analyzing coping strategies among software employees in Hyderabad, with reference to the demographic variables such as Gender, Age, Marital Status, and Experience. It was found that most employees adopted coping strategies at a moderate level, with differences observed between male and female employees in coping strategies. Behavioral avoidance and behavioral approach were the most common coping strategies employed by the employees, while cognitive approach coping strategy was commonly adopted at a moderate level.

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How to Cite
Dr. A. Aravind, & Dr. N Rajashekar. (2020). Coping Strategies of Software Employees in Hyderabad. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 3(2), 92–107.
Author Biographies

Dr. A. Aravind

Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Osmania University, Hyderabad

Dr. N Rajashekar

Trained Graduate Teacher, UGC-JRF(Education), UGC-JRF(Psychology),Department of Education, (Formerly Associated with), Osmania University.


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