The French Policy Of Exile Against The Elite Of The City Of Algeriers “Mustafa Ben Mohamed Al-Kababti As A Model”

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S.D Zoubir Benbordi


The French colonisation has implemented penal exile in Algeria since the time of Governor General “Clauzel”, moving to “De Rovigo” and until “Bugeaud”. Among the first to be exiled outside the country were a group of the elites of the city of Algiers who entrenched themselves in the ranks of the opposition and the political, religious and intellectual resistance against the presence and policies of the French occupier. This study is considered one of the topics that have not been dealt with extensively by the researchers so it was the motive behind its selection in detail. The study aims at shedding light on the Maliki Mufti Mustafa ben Mohamed Al-Kababti (1862-1775). He was one of the most important Algerian elites who has been exiled. He played an important role in opposing and resisting against French colonialism, he was exiled to “Sainte-Marguerite” Island, France, then to Alexandria, Egypt. Thus, exiling Ibn Al-Kababti established the beginning of the French colonialist implementation of penal exile against the Algerians, which was a policy that has continued up until the forties of the twentieth century.

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How to Cite
S.D Zoubir Benbordi. (2024). The French Policy Of Exile Against The Elite Of The City Of Algeriers “Mustafa Ben Mohamed Al-Kababti As A Model”. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 7(6), 69–78.
Author Biography

S.D Zoubir Benbordi

University El Oued, Algeria, The Laboratory researching history economic and social Algeria


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