Graphic Skills of Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants: A Study of Drawing Development
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This study aims to identify the graphic skills of deaf children with cochlear implants in comparison to those of hearing children by analyzing their drawings. The sample includes 30 Algerian children, aged 6 - 10 years, comprising 15 hearing children and 15 deaf children with cochlear implants, all enrolled in regular schools. Two tests were employed to assess graphic skills: the Draw-a-Person test and simple Rey Complex Figure test.
The results demonstrate that the drawings of cochlear-implanted children are generally more detailed than those of hearing children. These observations were statistically confirmed using the Mann-Whitney test. For the Draw-a-Person test, the Mann-Whitney value obtained was 64, with a statistical significance of 0.044, indicating a significant difference at the p<0.05 level. Similarly, for the Rey-Osterrieth figure, the Mann-Whitney value was 55, with a significance of 0.017, again confirming a significant difference at the same level of significance.
These findings suggest that cochlear-implanted deaf children develop particular graphic skills due to their unique sensory and cognitive experiences, which influence the quality and detail of their drawings.
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