Developing The Stoa Attitudes And Behaviors Scale

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Mehmet Selim Bor
Mehmet Önal


Philosophical counseling is a guidance process based on philosophical concepts and methods that helps individuals solve life problems through reflection, questioning and wisdom. Before performing philosophical counseling or therapy, it is necessary to determine the situation with a scale. The aim of the study was to develop and test the validity and reliability of the Stoic attitudes and behaviors scale that philosophical counselors can use in their first encounters with their clients. For this purpose, in creating an item pool; First of all, a literature search was made, the current situation of counseling and therapy based on Stoic philosophy was examined in the world and in Turkey, and expert opinions were received. As a result of the examinations, the draft structure consisting of 55 items was applied to the students of İnönü University Faculty of Letters. Explanatory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency analyzes were carried out as statistical methods in the research. The creation of a large-scale scale that can measure Stoic Attitudes and Behaviors by considering all the steps of scale development in the research contributes to the originality of the study. As a result of exploratory factor analysis, a measurement tool consisting of 7 factors and 36 items was obtained. The validity of the resulting measurement structure was supported by confirmatory factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha internal consistency coefficient values ​​were calculated for the entire scale and the factor structures in the scale, and it was concluded that the scale had high reliability. It can be stated that the Stoic Attitudes and Behaviors Scale, developed as a result of the findings, is a reliable and valid measurement tool.

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How to Cite
Mehmet Selim Bor, & Mehmet Önal. (2024). Developing The Stoa Attitudes And Behaviors Scale. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 7(6), 343–361.
Author Biographies

Mehmet Selim Bor

Hakkari University, Turkey / Hakkari, ORCID:0000-0002-8854-8550

Mehmet Önal

İnönü University, Turkey/ Malatya 


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