A Comparative Linguistic Study of Cohesion and Coherence in Arabic- Speaking Aphasic Patients
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Our research focuses on analyzing and interpreting aphasia based on the principles of the neokhalilien theory linguistic theory. This study was grounded on several hypotheses, primarily that aphasia affects cohesion (formal verbal analysis) and coherence (semantic propositional analysis). To achieve our objective, we developed a psycholinguistic protocol consisting mainly of a language analysis grid, in addition to a cohesion and coherence scale. This protocol was applied to a sample of 30 individuals: 10 typical individuals, 10 individuals with Broca's aphasia, and 10 with Wernicke's aphasia.The statistical and qualitative results of the study indicated that while aphasia represents a disorder at the levels of cohesion and coherence, there are statistically significant differences in these abilities, attributed to the type of aphasia (Broca's aphasia/Wernicke's aphasia), the degree of morphological derivation (root forms/derived forms), the type of affixes (structural affixes/connecting affixes), and variations in discourse contexts.
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