A Study To Enlighten The Efficacy Of Different Homeopathic Remedies In The Management Of Urticaria In Five Patients - Case Series

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Dr. Rakhi
Dr. Anupriya
Dr. Shefalika Singh
Dr. Bulti Debnath
Dr Rajveer Singh Rathore
Dr Chauhan Darshana Bachchusingh



Urticaria, commonly known as hives, is a dermatologic condition characterized by the sudden onset of raised, itchy welts. It can be triggered by various factors, including allergens, infections, medications, and stress. Homeopathic treatment offers an individualized approach based on symptom patterns and patient constitution. This case series explores the outcomes of homeopathic treatment for five patients with different presentations of urticaria.


To evaluate the efficacy of different homeopathic remedies in the management of urticaria in five patients with varied symptom profiles and triggers.


This case series includes five patients diagnosed with urticaria, each treated with a specific homeopathic remedy tailored to their individual symptomatology. The remedies used were Apis Mellifica, Urtica Urens, Natrum Muriaticum, Ledum Palustre, and Rhus Toxicodendron. Follow-up evaluations were conducted to assess symptom improvement and recurrence of urticarial episodes.


Case 1 (Chronic urticaria with stress): Treated with Apis Mellifica 30C, the patient experienced significant improvement in itching and hives within 48 hours, with complete resolution after 3 weeks.

Case 2 (Acute urticaria due to food allergy): Treated with Urtica Urens 30C, the acute symptoms resolved within 48 hours.

Case 3 (Chronic urticaria with emotional triggers): Treated with Natrum Muriaticum 30C, the patient showed gradual improvement, with symptom resolution after 2 months.

Case 4 (Acute urticaria due to insect bite): Treated with Ledum Palustre 30C, the localized reaction subsided within 24 hours.

Case 5 (Urticaria with multiple triggers): Treated with Rhus Toxicodendron 30C, the patient experienced reduced flare-ups and improved symptom control over 1 month.


Homeopathic remedies demonstrated significant efficacy in the treatment of urticaria, with individualized selection of remedies tailored to the patient's specific symptoms and triggers. In all cases, improvement was noted within a short period, and long-term follow-up showed minimal recurrence.

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How to Cite
Dr. Rakhi, Dr. Anupriya, Dr. Shefalika Singh, Dr. Bulti Debnath, Dr Rajveer Singh Rathore, & Dr Chauhan Darshana Bachchusingh. (2025). A Study To Enlighten The Efficacy Of Different Homeopathic Remedies In The Management Of Urticaria In Five Patients - Case Series. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 8(1), 25–28. https://doi.org/10.53555/jrtdd.v8i1.3414
Author Biographies

Dr. Rakhi

MD (MED.) Hom, PhD (Sch), Assistant Professor, Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry, Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital Chandigarh, Punjab University, India.

Dr. Anupriya

MD (HOM.), Professor, Department of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, SGNR, HMC, H & RI (Rajasthan) India. 

Dr. Shefalika Singh

MD ( Paeds) NIH, PhD(Sch), Assistant Professor, Dept of Hom. Materia Medica, Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, sector-26, Chandigarh.

Dr. Bulti Debnath

MD (HOM.), Assistant professor in the Department of Human Anatomy, Laxmiben Homoeopathy Institute and Research Center, Bhandu.

Dr Rajveer Singh Rathore

MD (MED.)Hom, PhD(Sch), Assistant professor, Department of surgery , University college of Homoeopathy, Jodhpur (Rajasthan) India

Dr Chauhan Darshana Bachchusingh

Medical Officer , University college of Homoeopathy , Kekri, Ajmer ( Rajasthan) India.