Building of Alexithemia Scale for Measuring the Psycological Traits of Mosul University Students

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Afrah Ghalib Fadhil, Nada Fattah Zeidan AL-Abachi


The endeavor of the current research was to construct Alexithemia scale for Mosul University students. The construction sample consisted of (400) male and female students at the colleges of (Arts, Pharmacology and Administration and Economics). In order to prepare the preliminary form of the scale, the researchers reviewed a great deal of previous studies and literature. After that, (38) items were formulated, which were allocated for the five dimensions. Alternatives of response were selected in accordance with Likert’s scale (applies to me very greatly, applies to me to a great degree, applies to me moderately, applies to me to a less extent, applies to me to the least extent). The itesm were submitted to a group of experts to calculate the surface validity and the items were 80% agreed upon. Also, the construction validity was calculated using two methods through using the distiction strength. Four (4) items were omitted as their T calculated value is less than the table value. Also, the method of the item score with the total score was used and it was found that all the correlation coefficients are statistically significant. Invariability was determined using the retest and its value was (0.80) and it was also clculated using Alpha Cronbch’s equation and it was found that it is (0.82). in addition to that invariability was calculated using the Code Richardson’s equation (21) and it was found that it was (0.79). the final form of the scale comprised (34) items that are characterized with validity and invariability and the mazimum score of the scale was (170) and the minimum was (34) and the hypothetical mean is (102). Therefore, the two researchers constructed a scale that is characterized with validity, invariability and discrimination.

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How to Cite
Afrah Ghalib Fadhil, Nada Fattah Zeidan AL-Abachi. (2023). Building of Alexithemia Scale for Measuring the Psycological Traits of Mosul University Students. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(5s), 42–55. Retrieved from