Organizational Intelligence and Its Relationship to the Educational Administrative Behaviour and Psychology of the Heads of Departments of the Colleges of the University of Baghdad

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Rana Jamal Awad, Ahmed Aziz Fendi


The research aims to identify the organizational intelligence and its relationship to the educational administrative behavior of the heads of departments of the colleges of the University of Baghdad. The current study is determined by the heads of departments of the colleges of the University of Baghdad for the academic year (2021-2022). (172) heads of the department were chosen as a sample for the research, in order to measure the level of organizational intelligence and administrative behavior.  In the research, the researcher built a scale of organizational intelligence and adopted the Hull Younger scale of educational administrative behavior, and the psychometric characteristics of the scales were extracted, and the results showed that all the paragraphs are distinct, and thus all paragraphs of the organizational intelligence scale of the heads of departments were kept in its final form (28) paragraphs and the educational administrative behavior scale  Department heads finalized  (50) paragraphs. The researcher also used to extract stability by the re-test method to find stability and reached (0.90) for organizational intelligence. The stability of educational administrative behavior by the Wackeronbach method reached (0.93).  Research variables The t-test for one sample and the t-test for two independent samples, and the results showed that the arithmetic mean of the sample as a whole is higher than the hypothetical mean and with statistical significance.  The departments of the colleges of the University of Baghdad in the level of organizational intelligence and educational administrative behavior.

 The researcher reached the conclusions in the light of the following results, which the researcher explained:- There is a relationship between organizational intelligence and educational administrative behavior that  is statistically significant  between the two variables, and this result is consistent with the findings of many scientific studies and research.


There is a statistically significant relationship between organizational intelligence and educational administrative behavior between the two variables. This result is consistent with the findings of many studies and scientific research.


Increasing focus on educational administrative behavior to increase and deepen the spirit of cooperation and understanding between the leader and subordinates.


Conducting a study of the Hallinger scale of educational administrative behavior among heads of departments in all Iraqi universities.

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How to Cite
Rana Jamal Awad, Ahmed Aziz Fendi. (2023). Organizational Intelligence and Its Relationship to the Educational Administrative Behaviour and Psychology of the Heads of Departments of the Colleges of the University of Baghdad. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(5s), 206–214. Retrieved from