The Importance of Mental Development in Addressing Youth Unemployment: A Psychological Case Study of Skill Retention in Development Programmes

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Satyajeet Nanda, Vipin Jain, Aseem Purohit


A person without a job and actively looking for one is unemployment. A person must be capable and willing to work without a job, of legal working age, and actively looking for employment to be considered jobless for lawful and statistical purposes. Youth Unemployment (YU) rates are often greater than adult rates in any nation on Earth. Assessing the youth retention rate in the state and corporate skill development (SD) programs is necessary for understanding mental development's function in reducing unemployment in Maharashtra and its influence on the state's economy. To gather information, turned to a variety of primary and secondary sources. The population of the state of Maharashtra is represented by a sample size of two hundred people. The state government of Maharashtra requires all of that to participate in SD programs. All of the procedures for cluster sampling were successful. The vast majority of participants agreed or strongly agreed that understanding the role of developing skills and its effects on unemployment in Maharashtra, as well as understanding the retention rate of Young People (YP) in such programs in comparison to Maharashtra, helps recognize that the government and businesses in Maharashtra run skills training programs. Cultivating skilled employees is one of the primary purposes served by SD programs that could assist companies in reaching goals. Because of this, the state's economy will suffer because skilled employees can adequately contribute to the expansion of multiple firms.

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How to Cite
Satyajeet Nanda, Vipin Jain, Aseem Purohit. (2023). The Importance of Mental Development in Addressing Youth Unemployment: A Psychological Case Study of Skill Retention in Development Programmes. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(7s), 108–118. Retrieved from