Association between Abnormal Lipid Profile With Causes And Risk Factors In Infertile Iraqi Women: Rehabilitation Study

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Batwl Alaa Ameen, Nawal Ali Mahmood Alnuaimi, Nihad Khalawe Tektook


Background; A global problem that affects people all over the world, infertility can have different causes and levels of relevance depending on one's region and socioeconomic status. The first step in preserving pregnancy power in lifestyle adjustment is awareness of infertility, therefore the aim of current study to investigation the association between risk factors, causes and Lipid Profile in Iraqi infertility women.

Patients and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted Kamal Al-Samaraee hospital from November 2021 to May 2022. One hundred and sixty-five individuals, including 115 infertile women and (50) control (healthy reproductive women), The lipid profiles were examined.

Results: current study showed primary infertility 77 (66.9%) more than secondary infertility 38 (33.1%), Also women between the ages of 25- 35 years were the most infertile, as well as about 42 (36.64%) infertility women were Illiteracy, while 25 (21.7%) and 19 (16.6%) held secondary and primary degrees, respectively. In addition, 53 (46.1%) were normal, compared to obese and overweight infertile women, 32 (27.8%) and 30(26.1%), respectively. also 69(60%), of the infertility women lived in Urban compare to rural 46(40%), ,so 77(66.1%) Wife's good relationship with her husband,as well as current results primary infertility increased to 21 (18.3%) from 16 (13.9%) secondary infertility, and between two and three years, primary infertility increased to 45 (39.13%) from 12 (10.4%) secondary infertility. Additionally, primary infertility was associated with a higher BMI (27.23±6.61) than secondary infertility (22.73± 1.78), also main causes of infertility in Iraqi infertility women were Hormonal problems and PCO 18.3%, as well as 10.4 % unknown ,9.6 % follicle problems , so infertility women had levels of triglycerides( 161.5 ± 82.6) and LDL (112.4 ± 33.4) that were higher than control (healthy), but less than control for total cholesterol (85.13 33.1) and HDL (42.34 ± 8.8).

Conclusion: Primary Infertility more than secondary, so most infertile women between the ages of 25-35years , as well as about 42 (36.64%) infertility women were Illiteracy, followed secondary and primary degrees, so infertility women lived in rural more than urban. Also primary infertility was associated with a higher BMI than secondary, and the main causes of infertility were Hormonal problems and PCO, infertility women had high levels of triglycerides and LDL, but less than control for total cholesterol and HDL. termination of serum lipid profile Serum Lipid Profile  was measured by  Spectrophotometer using  a  kit  provided by Linear Chemicals S.L Spain. (, or  colorimeter capable of measuring absorbance at 500 ± 10 nm Determination of serum lipid profile Serum Lipid Profile  was measured by  Spectrophotometer using  a  kit  provided by Linear Chemicals S.L Spain. (, or colorimeter capable of measuring absorbance at 500 ± 10 nm etermination of serum lipid profile Serum Lipid Profile  was measured by  Spectrophotometer using  a kit  provided by Linear Chemicals S.L Spain. (, or  colorimeter capable of measuring absorbance at 500 ± 10 nm

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How to Cite
Batwl Alaa Ameen, Nawal Ali Mahmood Alnuaimi, Nihad Khalawe Tektook. (2023). Association between Abnormal Lipid Profile With Causes And Risk Factors In Infertile Iraqi Women: Rehabilitation Study. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(7s), 381–387. Retrieved from