Evaluation of the Success of Biodentine Compared to Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as PULP Rehabilitation Agents in Primary Dentition- A Systematic Review

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Nikitha Suzanne Varghese, Ganesh Jeevanandan


Aim:  To systematically evaluate the success of Biodentine and MTA as pulpotomy agents in primary dentition.

Introduction: The American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends performing a pulpotomy on primary teeth when there is significant decay and pulp exposure but no signs of radicular pathology or complaints.

Materials and methods: Electronic resources like PubMed Central, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Google Scholar, Lilacs, and Science Direct were used to conduct a thorough search. Relevant publications were found by screening the title and abstract, and those articles were then further assessed for inclusion by reading the complete text. In order to locate more research published outside the electronic database, the bibliographies of all recognised papers were searched. All randomised control trials utilising Biodentine and MTA for pulpotomy of primary molars were chosen.

Results:Digital databases like PubMed Central, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Google Scholar, Lilacs, and Science Direct were used to conduct a thorough search. Relevant articles' titles and abstracts were reviewed, and after reading the complete paper, those studies were further assessed for inclusion. The bibliographies of all acknowledged papers were explored in an effort to find further research that was published outside of the electronic database. For pulpotomy of primary molars, all randomised control studies involving Biodentine and MTA were selected.

Conclusion: Between Biodentine and MTA, there was no discernible change. The superiority of one substance over another is not currently supported by the evidence. A larger sample size is to be conducted, along with a consistent follow-up timeframe.

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How to Cite
Nikitha Suzanne Varghese, Ganesh Jeevanandan. (2023). Evaluation of the Success of Biodentine Compared to Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as PULP Rehabilitation Agents in Primary Dentition- A Systematic Review. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(7s), 429–440. Retrieved from https://jrtdd.com/index.php/journal/article/view/808