A Meaning of Dysphemistic and Euphemistic Spoken by Indonesian Politicians

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Ristiyani, Fathur Rokhman, Rustono, Rahayu Pristiwati


The dysphemistic utterance is a linguistic phenomenon which politicians often use as a form of strategic communication for referring certain subject with a word or an expression which may have a different meaning. So research aims to analyze the meanings of Indonesian politicians' dysphemistic utterances during the Covid-19 pandemic. The design of this research is qualitative-descriptive and semantic-pragmatic approaches are used in this research. The data used in the research are dysphemistic utterances spoken by Indonesian politicians in several videos uploaded in YouTube during the pandemic era (March 2021 - April 2022). Utterance is analyzed using Allan and Burridge theories. The literature review method was carried out on dysphemistic utterances in the social media sites, guided by an instrument which is designed and developed by the researchers. The technique used in this research is note-taking. This research uses the theory and investigator triangulation techniques to verify the data based on validity and reliability criteria. The analysis of data is presented using formal and informal methods. With the formal method, research results are presented by providing semantic and pragmatic meanings of words and sentences which build dysphemistic utterances. The research results show that there are 6 meanings of dysphemistic utterances spoken by Indonesian politicians during the pandemic era (March 2020-April 2021) that consist of 40 connotative meanings, 33 stylistic meanings, 45 affective meanings, 27 reflected meanings, 39 collective meanings, and 41 thematic meanings. This article is written to explain the dysphemism and euphemistic spoken by Indonesian politician to gain political

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How to Cite
Ristiyani, Fathur Rokhman, Rustono, Rahayu Pristiwati. (2023). A Meaning of Dysphemistic and Euphemistic Spoken by Indonesian Politicians . Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(7s), 451–463. Retrieved from https://jrtdd.com/index.php/journal/article/view/810