The Psychological Perspective of Emotional Intelligence: Nurturing Connections and Fostering Success among the Youth

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Ida Merlin J., Prabakar S.


Emotional intelligence (EI) plays a vital role in the well-being and success of youth, particularly in their ability to nurture connections and achieve their goals. This article’s objective is to focus on the previous studies on EI and find if emotional intelligence has helped in different outcomes in youth, explores the relationship between emotional intelligence, the cultivation of meaningful connections, and fostering success among youth in the light of psychology and provides psychological insights on how the youth can develop their emotional intelligence more effectively. Drawing on current research and literature, it highlights the importance of emotional intelligence in developing positive relationships, enhancing resilience, and promoting academic and personal achievement. Furthermore, it provides insights into practical strategies and interventions that can be implemented to nurture emotional intelligence and foster success among youth. By prioritising emotional intelligence development and fostering connections, youth can be empowered to navigate challenges, build meaningful relationships, and thrive in various domains of their lives.

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How to Cite
Ida Merlin J., Prabakar S. (2023). The Psychological Perspective of Emotional Intelligence: Nurturing Connections and Fostering Success among the Youth. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(9s), 01–09. Retrieved from