Are AI and Chat Bots Services Effects the Psychology of Users in Banking Services and Financial Sector

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Shailesh O. Kediya, Sunita Dhote, Dileep Kumar Singh, Vijaykumar S. Bidve, Shabana Pathan, Rahul V. Mohare, Satyajit S. Uparkar, Priti C. Golar, Anup Suchak


Artificial intelligence (AI) will enable financial institutions and banks to radically reimagine their processes, provide customer oriented products and services, and, above all, endure user experience disruption. Help of fintech corporations in the machine age period will challenge banks by augmenting or even restoring the working human with sophisticated algorithms. To compete, banks will have to grow Artificial Intelligence and incorporate this into their operations and strategy. This study looks into the subtleties of ecosystems of AI and how this is quickly becoming the most important disruptor in the banking and finance industries. As AIs become a reality, their ramifications and relevance in the banking and financial services industry's operational environment can be regarded through various lenses.

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Shailesh O. Kediya, Sunita Dhote, Dileep Kumar Singh, Vijaykumar S. Bidve, Shabana Pathan, Rahul V. Mohare, Satyajit S. Uparkar, Priti C. Golar, Anup Suchak. (2023). Are AI and Chat Bots Services Effects the Psychology of Users in Banking Services and Financial Sector. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(9s(2), 191–197. Retrieved from