Published: 2023-08-22

Social Reconstruction based on Gandhian Methods: An appraisal

Dr. Harilakshmeendra Kumar, Dr. Shiju K. K, Aleena Treesa Joy


Phytochemical Investigation And Pharmacological Evaluation Of Medicinal Plant Extracts

Ms. Shagufta A. Farooqui, Dr. S.S Patil, Ms. S. A Tekale, Mr V.N Gunjkar


Unifying Edge and Cloud Computing: A Framework for Distributed AI and Real-Time Processing

Ravi Kumar Vankayalapati, Lakshminarayana Reddy Kothapalli Sondinti, Srinivas Kalisetty, Shashikala Valiki


Vitamin D Levels In Patients With Epilepsy

Dr Palak Talwar, Dr Shilpa, Dr Abishek S, Divya Saharan


Loving Kindness Meditation And Its Impact On Intergroup Anxiety

Suman Grigary Thomas, Shanmukh V. Kamble


Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Academic Performance

Bhadrasing Brahma, Pinki Barman, Arupa Dutta


Psychological Effects of Infertility on Women

Hitashi Shawani, Shruti Singh


Imagery as Alternative Therapy of Depression: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR)

Nurwina Anuar, Ahmad Hakiim Jamaluddin, Abu Yazid Abu Bakar, Muhammad Saleem, Febriani Fajar Ekawati


Coping Mechanisms of Anxiety and Depression Among High School Teachers Using Hybrid Teaching Methods

Ajay H Deshmukh, Aarushi Kataria, Vir Ved Ratna, Richa Dwivedi, Supriya Srivastava


Role of Artificial Intelligence in Psychological and Mental Well Being: A Quantitative Investigation

Raino, Rinkey, Neelam Kumari, Kashinath Chandelkar, Kanchan Chetiwal


Consumer Psychology towards Environmental Sustainability & Community Welfare in Indian FMCG Sector

Ravi Vyas, Chaudhary Saket Kumar, Shaifali Garg, Priyanka Sikarwar, Arif Hasan, Sandeep Raghuwanshi


Psychological Approach based on Virtual Reality (VR) For Creating Successful Encounters to Improve Mobility for People with Disabilities

Ajay Sudhir Bale, Saleem Javed, Priyadarshini Mishra, Mamta B Savadatti, Baby Chithra R, Salna Joy


Are AI and Chat Bots Services Effects the Psychology of Users in Banking Services and Financial Sector

Shailesh O. Kediya, Sunita Dhote, Dileep Kumar Singh, Vijaykumar S. Bidve, Shabana Pathan, Rahul V. Mohare, Satyajit S. Uparkar, Priti C. Golar, Anup Suchak


Is Digital Business Growth in a Green Economy with Environmental Sustainability Accelerate the Organizational Positive Thinking and Potential

Nandita Tripathi, P. William, Gunjan Sharma, Bhadrappa Haralayya, K. Maheswari, Kushagra Kulshreshtha


Human Resource Management Model with ICT Architecture: Solution of Management & Understanding of Psychology of Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility

Neha Sharma, P. William, Kushagra Kulshreshtha, Gunjan Sharma, Bhadrappa Haralayya, Yogesh Chauhan, Anurag Shrivastava


Relationship between Emotion Regulation Strategies, Affect and Perceived Stress among Individuals with Coronary Heart Disease: A Moderated Mediation Model

Shafiq Yusufkhan Pathan, Hina Hafiz Khan, Ezaz Shaikh, Santosh Vasant Savdekar, Ashwin R. Jaiswal, Ritu Modi, Shailesh Shantinath Bansode


Devolution of Local Wisdom Panca Satya Tengger Tribe Community based on Informal Education Paradigm

Firsta Bagus Sugiharto, Supriyono, Ach. Rasyad, Rosyid Al Atok, Nila Kartika Sari


Argyria Syndrome: Studying the Psychological Impact and the Possible Therapeutic Alternatives

María de Lourdes Llerena Cepeda, Liliana Katherine Sailema López, Génesis Alexandra Zúñiga Cárdenas


Description of the Psychological State of a Pregnant Women with Fetal Death Attended at Hospital General Ambato Iess in Ecuador

Janeth Carolina Patín Ibarra, Riber Fabián Donoso Noroña, Gloria Rebeca Medina Naranjo


Genetic and Psychology Factors Involved in the Cariogenic Process: A Literature Review

Vaca Altamirano Gabriela Lisbeth, Guevara Jaramillo Yuliana Domenica, Espinoza Guevara Stefano Oswaldo, Chicaiza Lagla Abigail Adriana


Giant Cell Tumor and the Psychological Effect on Patient’s Health: Literature Review

Olivo Torres Rosita, Chaguaro Torres Melina, Paredes Vásquez Brayan


The Psychology of the Inappropriate use of Antibiotics among Dentists in Ecuador

Armijos Briones Marcelo, Morales Nuñez Daniela, Mesache Villagómez Marco


The Association between Psychological Weakness and Occupational Dermatitis in Healthcare Workers: Bibliographic Review

Dayanara Cecilia Burbano Pijal, Diego Armando Flores Pilco, Julio Rodrigo Morillo Cano


Opportunistic Infections Associated with Immunodeficiency in Patients with Hiv-Aids: A Study of Related Psycho-Socio Factors

Poveda Paredes Francisco Xavier, Moreira Zambrano Ronaldo Andrés, Lascano Álvarez Karla Alejandra, Latorre Barragán María Fernanda


Level of Knowledge about Breast Cancer: A Study from A psychological Perspective

Gancino Rivera, Jennifer Nicole, Bonilla Quispilema, Jenesis Domenica, Lescano Nuñez, Joselyn Alejandra, Salinas-Goodier Carmen


Nanostructured Lipid Carrier Development and Optimization for Schizophrenia: A Psychological Study

Joti Devi, Manish Kumar Gautam, G. Jaya Syamala, Anwar Khan, Suresh Kumar, Deepak Sharma, Chirag Goda, Sumana K


Exploring the Innovative Teaching Methods in Educational Psychology

Midhun Moorthi C, Baig Muntajeeb Ali, Ashim Datta, Jhondert Alberto Jaimes Rodriguez, Zhuzeyev Serikkhan, Chander Parkash Singh


Comparing the Best used Therapies for Clinical Disorders – Gender Bias among Kleptomaniacs

Indrajit Patra, Ajay H Deshmukh, Varsha Prashad, Mohit Yadav, Neeta Sinha


Development Plan of Private Vocational Competency Development Training Institutes

Sung-Sik Yoo, Jun-Hyeok Seo, Soo-Yong Park, Dong-Hyung Lee


Use of AI And IOT’s to Improve Mental Health Treatment

Faisal K Alkholifi, Subrahmanya Bhat, Ruth G. Luciano, Sohaib Alam, Khushbu Agarwal


Gamification Psychology in Education: A Procedure for Teaching and Learning Numeracy based on Lexical and Trajectory Image (Image Representation) Method

Siti Rahaimah Ali, Anida Sarudin, Raja Noor Farah Azura Raja Ma’amor Shah, Hafizah Hajimia, Saipolbahrin Ramli, Sufian Ismail, Zarima Zakaria, Nazri Atoh, Husna Faredza Mohamed Redzwan


Investigating the Psychological Relationship between Technology Acceptance and E-Learning Readiness among English as a Second Language (ESL) Students

Kamilah Zainuddin, Amaal Fadhlini Mohamed, 3Najihah Mahmud, Hasnah Ab Kadir, Nur Hafifah Jamalludin


Factors Influencing Whistleblowing Intention and Psychology in Public Sector: Which Drivers Matters?

Muhammad Syukri bin Abdullah, Muhammad Zairi bin Zul, Siti Normah binti Awang Tuah, Zatil Aqmar binti Zainudin, Anidah binti Aziz, Zulkefli bin Muhamad Hanapiyah, Irfah Najihah binti Basir Malan, Shaliza Alwi


Business Model Canvass and Psychology – Mechanical Complexity in a Paper Sheet

Fajrul Hakim Hasanuddin, Abdul Rahman Kadir, Mursalim Nohong


Mitigating Misconduct Behavior and Psychology among Public Service Officers through Human Governance Components: Preliminary View from Malaysia and Indonesia

Muhammad Syukri bin Abdullah, Dian Agustia, Zulkefli bin Muhamad Hanapiyah, Irfah Najihah binti Basir Malan, Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, Wiwik Supratiwi, Shaliza Alwi


Gender and Psychology Responsive Pedagogy in Teaching – A Systematic Literature Review

Nurul Adnin Nadhirah Abd Malik, Nurfaradilla Nasri, Khairul Azhar Jamaluddin


The Impact of Livelihood Asset Accumulation on the Well-being and Psychology of Iban Rural Households in Sarawak

Leha Saliman, Wong Swee-Kiong, Mohd Hairee Abdullah, Nor Hanim Awang, Mohd Noor


Human Capital Development and Psychology towards Empowering Orang Asli Jakun for Community based Ecotourism

Muhamad Ariff Haikal Bin Abdul Razak, Abdul Rasid Abdul Razzaq, Mohamad Zaid Bin Mustafa, Junita Sulaiman, Mohd Norazmi Nordin


The Relationship between Sports Participation, Psychology and Self Esteem among Malaysian Para Athletes

Nagoor Meera Abdullah, Nurainaizatul Nadia Sukaimi, Wahidah Tumijan, Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin, Mikkey Anggara Suganda


The Risk Factors of Stunting in Toddlers: A Psychological Perspective

Ari Nofitasari, Lisnawati, Mimi Yati, Leniarti Ali, Ridia Utami Kasih


Long-term Complications of COVID19: A Study of Patients' Physiological Trauma

Diaa K. Abd Ali, Ahmed Mohammed Jasim Shlash, Mohammed H. Shamran, Ibrahim A. Al-Ashour


Factors Affecting Digital Transformation in Accounting: The Case of Vietnamese Enterprises

Hung Quoc Nguyen, Oanh, Thi Tu Le, Hanh Thanh Hoang, Tu Van Truong, Huong Thanh Pham


Application of Customer Accounting in Vietnamese Enterprises

Oanh Thi Tu Le, Lan Anh Thi Nguyen, Phong Thi Thu Tran, Hong Thi Xuan Nguyen


A Study of Piano Musical Works in Southwest China in Cultural Contexts

Xi Chen, Nataporn Rattachaiwong, Lingling Liu


A Study on the Nationalization of Piano Works in Southwest China

Xi Chen, Nataporn Rattachaiwong, Lingling Liu


The Evolution of Social Policy Work Changing the Paradigm of 21st Century

P.B. Shankar Narayan, Siva Prasath T R, C. Satheesh Kumar, Boominathan R, P. Ramesh


Factors Mediating the Risk and Protective Psychological Health and Well-Being of Healthcare Workers: A Systematic Review

Baba Vajrala, Samatha Jyothi.K, Priya. R, Rajasekhar Reddy.P.M, Mounika, Sudesh Kumari, Kirubakaran. C


Innovation and Practicality Architecture Design Studio at a Crossroads

Mohammed F. M. Mohammed, Joud K. Sammakieh


Optimized Neural Network Based Location Prediction Along with Multiple Features in Communication Network

Sadish Sendil Murugaraj, K. Suresh Kumar, K. Maithili, C. Ashokkumar, N. Alangudi Balaji, Balambigai Subramanian


Examining the Market Potential of Avian Aerial Displays on Facebook and YouTube: A Capstone Research Study

Aldous Regin M. Jerusalem, Stephanie Summer Matias, Louie Adrianne R. Roa, Joanna Juvyjoy A. Rojo


Profile of Islamic Boarding School Student’ Happiness Post Covid-19 Pandemic Era

Muslikah, DYP Sugiharto, Sugiyo, Anwar Sutoyo, Hanna Permata Hanifa


Good Governance Principles Influencing Performances of Savings Cooperatives in the Northeastern Region of Thailand

Suphatsorn Thaweechan, Piyachat Thongpaeng, Lalita Pimta, Theewara Sutanthawiboon


Cost of Illness Patient Covid-19

Rizki Fadila, A.A Istri Citra Dewiyani, Fitriana Kurniasari Solikhah


Effect of Parental Resilience on Self Esteem

Rupjyoti Bhattacharjee, Juri Baruah


Frequency and Characteristics of Early Ventricular Repolarization Syndrome in Patients Diagnosed with Myocarditis

Zarina Mameyevna Kukhmazova, Aisha Timurovna Khanakhmedova, Kamilla Shamilevna Azizova, Amina Gadzhievna Abakarova, Ahmed Huseynovich Kurbanov, Zalina Imanzagirovna Imanzagirova, Gasanov Gadzhiamir Narimanovich, Abdusamedova Kavsarat Magomedovna


Level of Credit Risk in the Quality of Financial Management

Paola Corina Julca-Garcia, Julio Ricardo Capristán-Miranda, Mercedes Evangelina Lopez-Almeida, Hugo Emilio Gallegos-Montalvo, Pedro Ricardo Infantes Rivera

1506 - 1517

A Study on Rehabilitation Nursing Intervention on Improving the Comprehensive Health Status of Patients with Hand Burns

Sonal Kapoor, Hepsiba Beula Rajam, G. Radhakrishnan, Parjinder Kour, Jampa Lhamo


A Study on the Impact of Child Poverty on Children's Cognitive and Social-Emotional Development

Manoj Kumar Mishra, Navin Kumar Shrivastava, Indraah Kolandaisamy, Vani N, Shibani C Aich


Effectiveness of W.A.R.A for Enhancing Coping Skills among Patients with Severe Depressive Symptoms

Ramkumar Thirumal, Hiran Das K, Sajeesh Sudarsanan, H Jyothikiran, Sumedh Vithalrao Dhole


Reviewing the W.A.R.A. Treatment Strategies during Covid-19- Its Benefits and Challenges

Deepa Parasar, Vinay Phanidhar T, Naveen Kumar Z, Neeta Mazumdar, Sanjeev Kumar


Reviving Vitality: An analysis of Physiotherapy’s Effects on Postoperative Cases of Upper Abdominal Surgery

Anchit Gugnani, Nandini Kushwaha, Kanchan S, Pallavi S Variyani, Shantanu Sharma, Neha Vyas, Richa Uniyal, Archana Chauhan, Gaurav Shrivastava, Vishnuraj Nair


ReAttach Therapy as a Component of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Dental Care for Children with Autism - A Narrative Review

Ganesh Kulkarni, Suchitra Gorle, Smitha Shetty, Neelam Vijayawargiya, Triveni Patil, Veena Kalburgi


Perceptions and Experiences of Dental Professionals Regarding ReAttach Therapy for Autistic Pediatric Patients

Suganya Mahadeva, Aishwarya Singh, Priyanka Nitin, Madhulika Srivastava, Chitharanjan Shetty


Exploring Host Plant Resistance of Cowpea as for Macrophomina Phaseolina (Tassi.) Goid) Causing Dry Root Rot Pathogen under Artificial Inoculation Condition

Rajni Singh Sasode, Pramod Kumar Fatehpuria, Ajay Singh Kaurav, Hemant Kumar Trivedi, Sonu Sharma, Anil Kumar Sharma, Bahrat Kumar, Juhi Johare, Neelam Soni, Mudit Gupta


Industrial Machinery Purchasing Decisions with Brand Equity Determination

Lucky Hikmat Maulana, Rachmat Gunawan, Yanti Riana Yulia Harmah, Riza Taufiq


Is it Too Much for Dark Tourism as an Alternative Tourism Destination in Malaysia: The Case of Wang Kelian, Perlis

Noorfathehah Abdullah Sani, Yusnita Yusof, Nuraini Abdul Rahman, Erwan Ismail, Abu Yazid Abu Bakar
