Information Access and Transparency in Local Governance: Empowering Citizens for Informed Decision-making

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Santoy John, Amar Kjr Nayak


In recent years, the demand for increased transparency and citizen engagement in decision-making has grown as people seek a more active role in shaping policies that directly impact their communities. The paper highlights the significance of providing citizens easy access to relevant and accurate information about local governance processes, budgets, public projects, and policy initiatives. Transparent dissemination of such information enables citizens to understand the rationale behind decisions, assess their potential consequences, and actively participate in meaningful discussions. Through an extensive review of literature and Interviews, the paper examines successful information access and transparency practices in various local governance systems worldwide. It analyses the positive impact of transparent governance on citizen engagement, social cohesion, and community development. They are even encountering challenges such as data accessibility, the digital divide, and resistance from bureaucratic structures. It explores potential solutions and strategies to overcome these obstacles, emphasizing technology and civic education to enhance citizen participation. The research contributes to the growing knowledge of the relationship between information access, transparency, and citizen empowerment in local governance. By shedding light on the benefits and impact of transparent governance, policymakers and local authorities can develop more inclusive and responsive governance models, fostering greater citizen trust and active involvement in decision-making processes. Ultimately, the findings presented in this paper underscore the importance of information access and transparency in fostering a robust and participatory local governance environment. Empowering citizens with knowledge and opportunities to engage in informed decision-making is essential for building stronger communities, promoting social equity, and advancing sustainable development at the local level.

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How to Cite
Santoy John, Amar Kjr Nayak. (2023). Information Access and Transparency in Local Governance: Empowering Citizens for Informed Decision-making. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(9s(2), 1378–1383. Retrieved from